Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Warfare Wednesday: Are You Praying?

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." 1 Timothy 2:1-2

It's that time of week again. It's the day where I set aside time to specifically pray for President Obama, his family, and other political leaders, both local and abroad. I found this morning that as I read this very familiar verse in 1 Timothy that the solution to actual world peace may actually be found within. The simple act of praying, of intercession for our leaders- for all in authority- can produce peaceful and quiet lives. That sound a little like world peace doesn't it? The power of prayer is absolutely incredible- it can change lives, and that is what I pray for each and every week.

I pray every week for that real change that we were promised all that time ago when the presidential campaigns were crossing the country. The difference today is, the change that I am praying for may not exactly be the change the present administration had in mind. I am praying for a great awakening- a return to "One nation under God" and all that may imply. One nation under God may sound idyllic, but imagine- if the power of prayer is so huge and so strong- imagine the power if every God-fearing person were to turn their hearts to heaven and pray for this president. The awakening would be earth-shattering indeed.

In recent weeks I've been very disappointed to read little quips and quotes that mention praying for the removal of President Obama. How could anyone ever wish that on our president- regardless of politics? So this week I am coming against all those wishers and foul words and I am praying extra protection over President Obama, and his wife Michelle, as well as his daughters Sasha and Malia. May the angels of protection encircle them and protect them from all harm that may threaten. May God give them supernatural protection, and may He protect their delicate spirits. May He give them courage when they need it most, and may He give them hope for the future- real hope. Hope that can only come through Jesus Christ.

I believe that world peace really is possible- if we follow our Biblical principles and begin to really pray in earnest for our leaders. Peace is possible on every level- even within our small communities. Peace is possible, if only we will hear the call to pray.

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