Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Warfare Wednesday

"[Do Not Love the World] Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world." 1 John 2:15-16

The day will come. The day will come when our country will turn back to God. The day will come when our president will remember that he is a beloved child of God, and that God has entrusted the leadership of this nation in his hands.

I'm praying for that day. I'm praying for President Obama, Michelle Obama, and their beautiful girls. I'm praying that God will continue to protect this precious family and keep them safe- both in the physical sense, as well as the spiritual sense. God loves that family. How could He not? He made them for such a time as this, and so I will continue to pray for them.

And this morning, I also am praying for our military that is oversees. May God bless them richly for their service, for their dedication to serving freedom and their country. May they know the love of the Father while they are away from their earthly families.

"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." Genesis 28:15

I also pray this morning for the precious veterans- those people who have already served and are serving no longer. May they also be richly blessed for their service, and may God heal them of any wounds that continue to fester. Both physical and mental, because I know for so many veterans, the wounds run deep. They shouldn't be suffering as a result of their service to their country- instead, they should be filled with joy and should be abundantly blessed. They should know that their service was so important, and that it is appreciated- no matter how long ago it was, whether it was 50 years ago or 50 days ago. May they know love and peace, and the love of a Father who created them so perfectly and beautifully.

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