Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's Warfare Wednesday!

And that means it's time to remind ourselves to pray for our President and our government- that they may make Godly choices and Godly decisions each and every day.

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5

This morning as I read through the Presidential Prayer Team website, I just found so many concerns that tugged at my heart. A few weeks back we prayed for the situation with North Korea, and it just doesn't seem to be improving any. President Obama met yesterday with the South Korean president, Lee Myung-bak to discuss the situation with North Korea. I can't even begin to imagine the position that President Lee is in. On one hand, he has this vicious dictator just a few miles away, no doubt threatening his nation and his people. On the other hand, all the world is trying to convince South Korea to stand firm... it's just got to be a rough and stressful place to be in. May God give President Lee Myung-bak peace, and comfort and encouragement to get through this rough time. May President Lee receive Godly advice and wisdom, and may he feel the presence of God marching through his nation, protecting the South Korean people. And most of all, may God cause a change of heart of the North Korean dictator. Only God can change hearts for the good.

And as we pray for events on the Korean peninsula, I also want to shift my attention to the Mid-East, where recent elections in Iran have led to riot and unrest in an already troubled nation. Let us pray for a wave of peace to the discord that is sweeping the country of Iran, and seems to be getting worse, not better. May the opposing parties cease their non-peaceful demonstrations and rioting, and may no more lives be lost in the useless displays.

And while we're in that region, we must remember to continue praying for our troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan. May they feel the love of God and the love of home when they need it most. As suicide rates are rising among the military, they need our prayers more than ever. May God richly bless their service to their country and may he infuse the moral of the military with some much needed joy.

Let us also continue to pray for God's wisdom and intervention in our troubled economy. Unemployment rates are rising, and those who are working are working less hours and are finding themselves with less spendable income. Fuel prices are expected to continue to rise as well... my God just pour himself out on this country and fill the people with hope and love, even in troubled times. May the people see that it is truly God who is the answer- and not the dollar. May God work his miraculous ways to show that turning to Him truly is the only way to happiness and eternal joy.

And finally this morning, let's turn our attention to the skies and the space program. This morning, a launch of the space shuttle Endeavor was scrubbed as a leak was discovered. Praise God for this discovery that kept those astronauts on the ground in safety! May he continue to protect those brave men and women. Tomorrow a launch is scheduled to take place to deliver observation satellites to the moon to further moon exploration. Many years ago, a struggling nation turned their eyes to the moon and became encouraged and excited and filled with hope at the ideas of possibility. May the same experience happen today, as we return to the moon in a time of trouble and trial. And may God keep his hand of protection on those who serve our country by exploring outer space and its possibilities.

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