Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Seeing Is Believing

"Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead." John 12:9

This verse, all by its lonesome is very interesting and speaks thousands of words in one little breath. Let's focus on Lazarus for a minute. He was in the same place as Jesus, and people were coming in crowds to see Jesus, but on this particular day, in this particular time, people wanted to see more than Jesus... they wanted to see the proof before their very eyes. They wanted to see the man who Jesus had raised from the dead. They didn't come to hear Lazarus speak or give a lecture, and while they came partially because they wanted to see Jesus, more than anything, these people wanted to see the confirmation. One glance at the man who had been dead for several days, and they would have their truth. One glance at Lazarus, and these people had proof that the miracles Jesus was doing were real indeed, and as such, what he had to say must be real too.

"for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him." John 12:11

Now I may not be Jesus, and I may not have a Lazarus that I can show off to show God's glory, but one thing this verse speaks truth about is the fact that people want to see. They want to see a change in our lives that comes only from God. When we talk to our neighbors about God and going to church, you can bet that when we're outside they are watching with scrutinizing eyes. I know that our neighbors listen carefully, and watch out of the corners of their eyes to see how we treat our kids. Do I scream at them like other neighbors do to their children? How do we treat the neighbor children? How do we treat the neighbors? Are we the first to volunteer to help them out when they need it? Sometimes it is true that as Christians we may feel like we're living in a giant fish tank, out there for everyone to see. But isn't that sort of what we want?

Isn't it? Don't we want people to look at us, look at our lives and how we live and say to themselves that we're doing something different, we seem happier, more fulfilled, more kind and generous, and how do they get that in their lives. They watch us, they see us, and when they see that proof that Jesus exists in our lives, it may very well be what they needed to see to make that important decision.

People want to see, and I want to live the life that's worth seeing. I want the neighbors to see how happy my children are, and wonder why. I want them to wonder how my husband can be so chipper despite being laid off. Mostly, I just want them to see Jesus in my eyes, and know that He is the difference, that he makes every second of life worth living.

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