Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I Love This Verse

"Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23

It doesn't say if you can believe, most things are possible, or some things are possible. It says all things. ALL. It's like those if/then statements that you learn in grade school, cause and effect. If this happens, then this will be the result.

So the first step is to believe. That can be the hardest part for many people. First they have to believe that something can happen. I know for me that can be a bit of a stretch sometime. Like right now, actually. Andy's job is kind of on the line right now. He doesn't even know if he'll have work next week. He has an option or two on the horizon, but he is so confident that soon he'll have the answers he needs and will be set with a job for the future. That's so hard for me to believe! We've spent forever being uncertain about his jobs and his future, that just like that he will be certain is a tough one for me. Yet this verse says it is possible.

This is a struggle for me, and I've been praying a lot on it, but still, there is part of me who wonders if we're not done struggling yet. If we still have lessons to learn about faith and God's provision, and if to learn those lessons we have harder times to get through. I need to take this verse and hold it close to my heart to remind me. All I need to do is believe and it can happen. I need to believe that God does provide for us and that it's time for him to provide the job that Andy so desires. *sigh* Sometimes life lessons are truly difficult.

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