Friday, May 11, 2007

Be Careful!

Yesterday I was looking for something and I stumbled on another blog. At first I liked it, it was a blog by a mother of 8 who homeschools and is raising her family in a Christian manner. There are plenty of scripture verses scattered throughout the blog, and suggestions for parents on reading material, things like that. On the surface I thought- "what a great blog" and then I read through some of the postings. One post in particular was just awful. It turned out that these people are more than just homeschool advocates, they straight out told all Christians that those who do not homeschool are sentencing their children to death. I am so not kidding. It was horrible. She quoted some scriptures to back up her beliefs, and it was causing quite the buzz. She had many comments- and the scary part was that half of them backed her up! I thought about posting a comment, but I didn't want to add fuel to the fire, and this was someone who obviously strongly believed in what she was saying- one comment from me wouldn't make a difference.

So today's verse of the day actually happens to the very one I had in my mind to post about today.

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

We need to be very careful as Christians some times in what we say. What God may have for us, he may not have for other people. While it's okay for us to be passionate about what we believe in, it's very important that we treat each other with kindness and the utmost respect. What will the world think of us "proclaimed Christians" fighting amongst each other? It's certainly not showing them a very good example. In this case of the "Public school only leads to death" this person is alienating millions of parents who do send their children to school. And not just in this country! In Germany, for example, homeschool is actually illegal, so this person has essentially just told every German parent that their child is going to go the way of the devil because they are going to public school. Imagine a new budding Christian being told that their children have no hope because of public school. I can't think of a quicker way to turn a new believer away from Christ.

I think it's important to be firm and challenge those around us sometimes- but in love. And it's also important to have the context correct. When someone is obviously sinning, they do need to be called out on it in a kind and loving manner from their Christian brothers and sisters. They do not need to be cursed and called stupid for one thing. And secondly, there are many things that some Christians may believe is right for them (homeschooling for example), but it is not right for everyone. In this specific case, for me, I know for a fact that my children have been called to the public school system. They are going to affect change somehow, and as long as I am diligent in praying for them, with them, and for their school, I know that God will keep his hand of protection on them, and they are going to do amazing things for God.

So remember to be careful when professing what you believe in. What you say could cause another person to question their faith- and not in a good way. And also remember that I am also just a person. What I say here is my opinion on what the scriptures are telling me today. My word is not gospel, and you are all free to form your own opinions and ideas. God is a wonderful God who has made each and every one of us different. Imagine how boring life would be if we were all the same and thought the same way. Thank you Lord for making us unique individuals.

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